Troy Wano

Partner | Tumuaki 

Te Ātiawa, Taranaki, Ngati Awa iwi

Troy has been with GQ since 2011.  He is a Partner and works in the litigation and Te Tira Hau Ture teams.

His litigation expertise includes commercial disputes, contentious insolvency matters, and employment law.  He also advises on Maori Land issues and governance issues for Maori organisations.


Troy specialises in general civil and commercial litigation and employment law.  He worked in the United Kingdom for the London office of a large US national commercial law firm and a top 100 UK firm.  He has also worked for a large commercial national firm based in Auckland. 

Troy has an extensive background in general civil and commercial litigation, including breach of contract, employment, insolvency, property law, debt recovery, and company law disputes.  Troy also regularly appears in the Maori Land Court dealing with Maori land and governance issues for Maori organisations.

Troy also advises on day-to-day employment issues, developing employment policies and implementing disciplinary procedures (and conducting disciplinary meetings). He has advised a number of Maori organisations in this regard.

Outside of Govett Quilliam

Troy regularly provides pro bono legal work to a number of community organisations and charitable trusts. Troy is affiliated to Te Ātiawa, Taranaki and Ngati Awa iwi. 

He is also a Trustee on the Parihaka Papakainga Trust and Big Brothers, Big Sisters Taranaki.

Contact Troy